Thursday 4 September 2008

A sad tale for all....

The way the majority of SNP MSP's voted in the parliamentary debate into the Committee's decision on Wendy Alexanders' ban was wrong, in my opinion. From the SNP's perspective, Wendy has suffered more than enough, and had SNP's MSP's decided to abstain, I feel they would have looked a lot more dignified. I know the argument is that the MSP's had to support the committee's decision, but ultimately no one wins from all of this.

Labour themselves have been badly wounded by the whole episode, that I why I find it even stranger that they are calling for Keith Brown's resignation. This step is undignified and they would be better advised just moving on. In fact everyone would. Journalists and detractors are using the whole affair and the undignified behavior of MSPS on all sides to undermine the parliament and the quality of its members. That does no political party - be it Labour, the SNP the Conservatives or Lib-dems - any good. Lets just hope parliament is not too badly damaged by it all.